Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Rolling right along...

Good Morning!!!

You're not seeing sunrise pictures from my morning runs because...well it's been super cloudy and rainy AND I've not run in a couple of days due to my terrible cold.  I'm finally, finally on the mend and I keep pumping in the homemade spicy juices and using my peppermint oil to comfort me.  Better now than at the holidays for sure!!
Today we've rolled through a lot of material.  We worked through our spelling words on the board.  The children have a spelling quiz on Friday along with a test on the material we've been studying on early man so the oral quizzing is very helpful for them.  I gave a detailed description of each spelling word and asked them what the word is and also how to spell it.  They love it as they view it as a game.

We then read more about all of the different types of early man from Australopithecus to present Homo sapiens sapiens and everyone in between.  The children took detailed notes for about an hour and put them in their binders.

Tyler worked on algebra and fractions today and Kendall continued with her multiplication moving onto 4 digit by 1 digit and some word problems.
The children headed off for DEAR time and then we headed off to one of our favorite places - Barnes and Noble and then to one of our local and AWESOME libraries!
on our way!
LOVE the big connect 4!
huge puppet fan!
kendall creepin'  in with the photo bomb!
what the?
perusing the books!
this one looks good!
self check out
she's been dying to read this to us!
reading and teaching Ari!

See y'all tomorrow!

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